30 research outputs found

    Blind channel estimation for space-time block codes : novel methods and performance Studies

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    [abstract] This work is based on a study of blind source separation techniques in order to estimate coe cients in transmission systems using Alamouti codi cation with two transmit antennas and one receive antenna. Most of present standards include pilot symbols to estimate the channel in reception. Since these symbols do not deliver user's data, their use decrease transferring quantity and also the system capacity. On the other hand, algorithms of blind separation are less precise when estimating channel coe cients than those supervised, but achieving a higher transferring rate. In this work we will deal with Alamouti codi cation system as a typical problem of blind sources separation where the signals transmitted and the channel coe cients must be estimated according to lineal and instantaneous mixtures (observations). Orthogonal structure required by Alamouti codi cation allows us to solve this problem by decomposing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices calculated from di erent statistics of the observations. These algorithms could be classi ed as those using second order statistics and those using higher order statistics. Algorithms based on second order statistics work with correlation matrix of observations. They are computationally less expensive, but require a lineal precoder in order to balance the power of the signals transmitted. One of our contributions is being able to determine in an empirical way how the power decompensation should be done in order to reduce the proabibility of error in the system. On the other hand, algorithms dealing with high level statistics are based on diagonalize one or several high level cumulant matrices deriving into a major computational cost in the receiver. As an advantage we must point out that they do not require to include a lineal precoder to do the power decompensation. In this work we will prove that the output of these techniques depends on the level of eigenvalue of the diagonalized matrix spreading. This idea will be used by us in order to achieve the optimal cumulant matrix and also to propose a new algorithm that increases the output in relation to those already proposed by other authors. Another important contribution of this present study is to propose a detailed comparison between channel estimation techniques in simulated scenarios, considering channels with Rayleigh and Rice distribution, and in real scenarios in ISM of 2.4 GHz band, by using a MIMO testbed developed in Universidade da Coruña. [Resumen] En este trabajo se realiza un estudio de técnicas de separación ciega de fuentes para la estimación de los coeficientes en sistemas de transmisión que emplean la codificación de Alamouti con 2 antenas transmisoras y 1 antena receptora. La mayoría de los estándares actuales incluyen símbolos piloto para estimar el canal en recepción. Dado que estos símbolos no transportan datos del usuario, su utilización decrementa la tasa de transferencia y degrada el rendimiento del sistema. Por otro lado, los algoritmos de separación ciega son menos precisos en la estimación de los coeficientes de canal que los supervisados pero consiguen una tasa de transferencia mayor. En el presente trabajo, modelaremos el sistema de codificación de Alamouti como un problema típico de separación ciega de fuentes donde las se~nales transmitidas y los coeficientes del canal deben ser estimados a partir de mezclas lineales e instantáneas (observaciones). La estructura ortogonal impuesta por la codificación de Alamouti permite resolver este problema mediante la descomposición de autovalores y autovectores de matrices calculadas a partir de diferentes estadísticos de las observaciones. Estos algoritmos pueden ser clasificados en aquellos que utilizan estadísticos de segundo orden y aquellos que emplean estadísticos de orden superior. Los algoritmos que emplean estadísticos de segundo orden trabajan con la matriz de correlación de las observaciones, son computacionalmente poco costosos pero requieren de un precodificador lineal para descompensar la potencia de las se~nales transmitidas. Una de nuestras aportaciones es la de determinar de forma empírica cómo debe realizarse la descompesación de potencia de cara a reducir la probabilidad de error del sistema. Por otro lado, los algoritmos que trabajan con estadísticos de orden superior se basan en diagonalizar una o varias matrices de cumulantes de orden superior, lo que conlleva un mayor coste computacional en el receptor. Como ventaja debe resaltarse que no requieren incluir un precodificador lineal que realice la descompensación de potencia. En este trabajo mostraremos que el rendimiento de estas técnicas depende del grado de dispersión de los autovalores de la matriz que se diagonaliza. Utilizaremos esta idea para obtener la matriz de cumulantes óptima y para formular un nuevo algoritmo que supera en rendimiento a los propuestos previamente por otros autores. Otra aportación relevante del presente trabajo es presentar una detallada comparación de las técnicas de estimación de canal en entornos simulados, considerando canales con ditribución Rayleigh y Rice, y en entornos reales en la banda ISM de 2.4 GHz mediante el empleo de una plataforma de transmisión MIMO desarrollada en la Universidade da Coruña

    A comparative study of STBC transmissions at 2.4 GHz over indoor channels using a 2 × 2 MIMO testbed

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    In this paper we employ a 2×2 Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) hardware platform to evaluate, in realistic indoor scenarios, the performance of different space-time block coded (STBC) transmissions at 2.4GHz. In particular, we focus on the Alamouti orthogonal scheme considering two types of channel state information (CSI) estimation: a conventional pilot-aided supervised technique and a recently proposed blind method based on second-order statistics (SOS). For comparison purposes, we also evaluate the performance of a Differential (non-coherent) space-time block coding (DSTBC). DSTBC schemes have the advantage of not requiring CSI estimation but they incur in a 3dB loss in performance. The hardware MIMO platform is based on high-performance signal acquisition and generation boards, each one equipped with a 1GB memory module that allows the transmission of extremely large data frames. Upconversion to RF is performed by two RF vector signal generators whereas downconversion is carried out with two custom circuits designed from commercial components. All the baseband signal processing is implemented off-line in MATLAB®, making the MIMO testbed very flexible and easily reconfigurable. Using this platform we compare the performance of the described methods in line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) indoor scenarios.This work has been supported by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia of Spain, Xunta de Galicia and FEDER funds of the European Union under grant numbers TEC2004-06451-C05-02, TEC2004-06451-C05-01, PGIDT05PXIC10502PN, and FPU grants AP2004-5127 and AP2006-2965

    Proyecto Jous. Temperaturas mínimas absolutas en la cordillera cantábrica y su relación con las piscinas de aire frío

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXXV Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el XIX Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en León, del 5 al 7 de marzo de 2018.Una piscina de aire frío o CAP (Cold-Air Pool en la bibliografía inglesa) es una acumulación de aire frío en una depresión del terreno. Las CAPs están generalmente asociadas a tiempo estable, predominio de altas presiones, vientos flojos y cielos despejados. Suelen ocurrir durante la noche, por enfriamiento radiativo de la capa de aire en contacto con el suelo, que fluye entonces a favor de la pendiente acumulándose en el fondo de depresiones glaciokársticas ciegas, como las dolinas típicas de los Picos de Europa, produciéndose los llamados vientos catabáticos o corrientes de drenaje o gravedad. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de 5 años de medidas de la temperatura en 3 dolinas y 3 poljés en el entorno de Picos de Europa y sus cordilleras prelitorales, en las que se registran diferentes tipos de CAPs

    Plataforma hardware para el desarrollo de sistemas MIMO

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    In this work we present a low-cost and flexible 2×2 MIMO testbed operating on the ISM band of 2.4 GHz with a total bandwith of 20 MHz. The transmitter and receiver baseband modules are PCs equipped with ADCs, DACs, memories, DSPs and FPGAs modules that allow a data transfer rate up to 200 MB/s per channel. Signals are generated at an IF of 15 MHz, upconverted to RF by two signal generators and downconverted to 15 MHz by means of two circuits specifically designed for this platform

    CPEB alteration and aberrant transcriptome-polyadenylation lead to a treatable SLC19A3 deficiency in Huntington's disease

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder of the basal ganglia for which disease-modifying treatments are not yet available. Although gene-silencing therapies are currently being tested, further molecular mechanisms must be explored to identify druggable targets for HD. Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding proteins 1 to 4 (CPEB1 to CPEB4) are RNA binding proteins that repress or activate translation of CPE-containing transcripts by shortening or elongating their poly(A) tail. Here, we found increased CPEB1 and decreased CPEB4 protein in the striatum of patients and mouse models with HD. This correlated with a reprogramming of polyadenylation in 17.3% of the transcriptome, markedly affecting neurodegeneration-associated genes including PSEN1, MAPT, SNCA, LRRK2, PINK1, DJ1, SOD1, TARDBP, FUS, and HTT and suggesting a new molecular mechanism in neurodegenerative disease etiology. We found decreased protein content of top deadenylated transcripts, including striatal atrophy–linked genes not previously related to HD, such as KTN1 and the easily druggable SLC19A3 (the ThTr2 thiamine transporter). Mutations in SLC19A3 cause biotin-thiamine–responsive basal ganglia disease (BTBGD), a striatal disorder that can be treated with a combination of biotin and thiamine. Similar to patients with BTBGD, patients with HD demonstrated decreased thiamine in the cerebrospinal fluid. Furthermore, patients and mice with HD showed decreased striatal concentrations of thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), the metabolically active form of thiamine. High-dose biotin and thiamine treatment prevented TPP deficiency in HD mice and attenuated the radiological, neuropathological, and motor HD-like phenotypes, revealing an easily implementable therapy that might benefit patients with HD